Pure Hammered Copper Water Bottle 750ML
antimicrobial properties and antioxidant effects can enrich water with beneficial ions, potentially improving well-being. Here are some eco-friendly ways to clean and maintain your copper vessel to ensure optimal benefits:
- Interior Cleaning: Use a mixture of lime, salt, and warm water to gently cleanse the interior. Rinse thoroughly with regular water afterward, avoiding abrasive brushes.
- Exterior Cleaning: Protect the lacquer coating by wiping the exterior with a soft cloth. For stubborn stains, consider using natural remedies like tamarind, cleaning powder, or liquid gel.
Remember, minor dents or a faint smell of lacquer won’t compromise the vessel’s effectiveness. And while enjoying the benefits, avoid storing anything other than water and steer clear of extreme temperatures or harsh cleaning methods. By following these simple steps, you can uphold the health benefits of your copper vessel in an environmentally friendly manner.